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Being the Hands, Feet and Heart in the Earth

Women on the Move for Christ Ministry endeavors to embark in partnerships in doing community and  global missionary outreach to aid in meeting the educational , health and nutrition needs through global missions. The ministry endeavors  to have missionary impact throughout the globe.  We will impact one person at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one village and one nation at a time as we seek to advance the Kingdom of Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Ministry Mission Campaigns

Mission to Gambia

Blanket Drive for homeless and shelters  yearly

Thanksgiving baskets to families in need 

Adopt a family for Christmas 

Christmas Basket

Jesus Wells

The year 2014 was the first missionary effort by digging Jesus Wells this campaign was done in Asia. The missionary efforts addressed the need for fresh and clean water, to impoverished areas across the globe in Asia.

We provided fresh water to a village in Asia this was done through financial support to dig Jesus wells. The initial mission was met in 2015. The goal is to continue to dig more wells that will positively impact health and wellness in villages across the globe. 

Global Mission to Gambia 2021 : Adopting a school and  supporting with school supplies . Ministering by  sharing gospel through witness track  and teaching collaboration sessions. 

Global ministry mission to Gambia upcoming 

Love Notes from God Mission Matthew 25:35-36  ( Shelter support and Street homeless support)

The purpose of this mission outreach is to assist in meeting the need of the hungry and the homeless by providing non-perishable food support through lunch bags  and blanket support and being part of community networks for serving those in need.  . As part of our campaign in meeting the need of those who are hungry, we pray they are  drawn  to Christ!  We strive to  strengthen, encourage one’s faith through the gospel. Each bag has a love note from God’s Word. Strive and  assisting  with community connections to support in meeting the need in community and globally . The Love note  outreach supports  shelter's by  donations to  transitional housing . The Love note outreach extends to  providing baskets to families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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